Desktop Only
TaxOnTheBeach currently only works on desktop. We'll add a mobile version at a later stage.

Automate your Document Management with AI

Focus on your Business instead of wasting away on office work.

App screenshot

Get Rid of Timewasters

Connect invoices and bank statements in a breeze

Quis tellus eget adipiscing convallis sit sit eget aliquet quis. Suspendisse eget egestas a elementum pulvinar et feugiat blandit at. In mi viverra elit nunc.

Bank Statements
Drag and drop your Revolut CSV into the app to get access to all bank transaction.
Send your invoices via email or drag and drop them into the app.
Easily connect your invoices and bank transactions to stay on top of your financials.
Upload to Google Drive
Automatically upload your invoices to Google Drive and share them with your accountant.

“TaxOnTheBeach helped me to finally be on top of my accounting. It was so easy to keep an overview”

Judith Black
CEO of Tamper Toil


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Distinctio et nulla eum soluta et neque labore quibusdam. Saepe et quasi iusto modi velit ut non voluptas in. Explicabo id ut laborum.


The essentials to provide your best work for clients.

$24 /month

  • 5 products
  • Up to 1,000 subscribers
  • Basic analytics
  • 48-hour support response time
Buy plan


Most popular

A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.

$32 /month

  • 25 products
  • Up to 10,000 subscribers
  • Advanced analytics
  • 24-hour support response time
  • Marketing automations
Buy plan


Dedicated support and infrastructure for your company.

$48 /month

  • Unlimited products
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • Advanced analytics
  • 1-hour, dedicated support response time
  • Marketing automations
Buy plan

Frequently asked questions

What's the best thing about Switzerland?

I don't know, but the flag is a big plus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas cupiditate laboriosam fugiat.

Boost your productivity.
Start using our app today.

Incididunt sint fugiat pariatur cupidatat consectetur sit cillum anim id veniam aliqua proident excepteur commodo do ea.